Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome!!!

    • How to use your Apex Life in Synergy Journey

    • Why Technology is an Asset on your journey

    • The vision of your journey homework

    • Who is Helena, how did I get here

    • What to expect on your journey

    • Identifying the three parts of our being

    • Identifying the Parts of our Being

    • Gaining awareness of the Conscious Mind

    • Mirror Consciousness Exercise

    • Review of our Three parts of being

    • Reviewing the parts of us Quiz

    • How Consciousness leads to creation

    • Your creation homework

    • Reality vs. Disaster Fantasy Island

    • The secret to the Apex Life in Synergy life.

  • 2

    A deeper dive into the Miracle of YOU

    • Our Pyramid of Being

    • Disaster Fantasy Island Homework

    • Learning our personal Responsibility

    • Responsibility Blog

    • Responsibility Homework

    • Understanding the Process

    • How long will this journey be.

    • Effort Homework

    • What your Apex LIS you will look like!

    • Where is the work?

    • Self First vs. Selfish/Selfless

    • Self First vs. Selfish/Selfless Homework

    • The tools and supplies for the journey

  • 3

    Activity Week 1

    • What is the first layer of the Apex LIS Pyramid

    • The difference between conscious and unconscious Activity

    • Applying CM to Activity

    • What is Conscious Walking

    • Walking Form Meditation

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    Activity Week 2

    • What is Conscious Thinking

    • What is a Return to One

    • RTO Examples

    • Learning about your Pattern

    • Pattern

    • Making your pattern work for You

    • Sense of Purpose and Progress

    • Purpose

  • 5

    Activity Week 3

    • The joints of your Activity Center

    • Joints of my Activity Center

    • Activity Center Assessment

    • Hamstrings

    • Hamstrings

    • Hamstrings Practical

    • Quadriceps

    • Quadriceps

    • Quadriceps Exercise and Stretch

    • Adductors

    • Adductors Exercise and Stretch

    • Adductors

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    Activity Week 4

    • Shin Muscles

    • Shins Exercise and Stretch

    • Shin Muscles

    • Alphabet ankle Strengthener

    • Calf Muscles

    • Calves Exercise and Stretch

    • Calf Muscles

    • Supporting Muscles of the lower leg

    • Knee Strengthener Ball Press

    • Foot Strengthener

    • Supporting Muscles

    • Activity Center Assessment

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    Activity Week 5

    • Common issues and what they may be telling you

    • Walking Meditation

    • Activity Walking Meditation

    • Mental Creation Walking Meditation

    • Physical Creation Walking Meditation

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    Activity Week 6

    • How to recognize when your Pyramid is flipped

    • Flipped Pyramid Homework

    • Active Rest

    • Active Rest Meditation

    • Active Rest Homework

    • Getting Better at Sleep Checklist

    • Saying NO

    • Sayin "No" Homework

    • OTAAT

    • OTAAT Homework

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    Activity Week 7

    • Setting Active Goals

    • Setting Active Goals

    • Recognizing your Pattern Part 2

    • Recognizing your Pattern Part 2

    • Accepting Change

    • Accepting Change Homework

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    Activity Week 8

    • Activity Center Energy Point

    • Activity Center Energy Point Meditation

    • Activity Walking Meditation Compilation

    • Solidify your Base - you are enough

    • Activity Assessment Part 1

    • Journal your journey

    • Summing up

    • Activity Assessment Part 2

    • Contentment

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    Balance Week 1

    • What is the second layer of the Apex LIS Pyramid

    • The difference between conscious and unconscious Balance

    • Applying CM to Exercise

    • Balance Walking Meditation-Mix

    • What is Conscious Movement

    • Mirror Consciousness Exercise

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    Balance Week 2

    • What is Balanced Thinking?

    • What is a Balanced RTO

    • Balanced Return to One Homework

    • The Balance between Strength and Flexibility of Thought

    • Sense of Touch

    • Sense of touch Meditation

    • Creating Boundaries

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    Balance Week 3

    • The Joints of your Balance Center

    • Balance Center Assessment

    • Gluteus Maximus

    • Gluteus Maximus

    • Gluteus Maximus

    • Gluteus Medius

    • Gluteus Medius

    • Gluteus Medius

  • 14

    Balance Week 4

    • Hip Flexors

    • Hip Flexor

    • Hip Flexors

    • TFL

    • TFL

    • TFL

    • Piriformis

    • Piriformis

    • Piriformis

    • Supporting Muscles of the Hip

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    Balance Week 5

    • Common Balance Issues and what they may be telling you

    • The Commuter Personality Type

    • The Decorator Personality Type

    • The Thinker Personality Type

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    Balance Week 6

    • Stretching and Release, learning to allow Balance

    • How to recognize when your thoughts are inflexible

    • Mental Flexibility Homework

    • Setting balanced Goals

    • Balanced Goals Homework

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    Balance Week 7

    • Deeper understanding of the Commuter

    • Deeper understanding of the Decorator

    • Deeper understanding of the Thinker

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    Balance Week 8

    • Balance Center Energy Point

    • Balance Center Energy Point Meditation

    • Letting go of Judgement

    • Summing up Balance

    • Journal your discoveries

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    Nourishment Week 1

    • What is the third layer of the Apex LIS Pyramid

    • Artichokes

    • The difference between conscious and unconscious Nourishment

    • Asparagus

    • Finding Your Fuel Mileage

    • Beets

    • Water

    • Bok Choy

    • "But Helena" Bonus :-)

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    Nourishment Week 2

    • Understanding your Food Groups Part 1

    • Broccoli

    • Understanding your Food Groups Part 2

    • Brussels

    • Processing

    • Butternut Squash

    • Fiber - the workout for your insides

    • Cabbage

    • Inflammatory vs. Anti-inflammatory foods

    • Carrots

    • "Junk" food

    • Cauliflower

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    Nourishment Week 3

    • What is Nourished Thinking

    • Nourishing Return To One

    • Celery

    • Understanding your Thought Groups

    • Thought Group Homework

    • Cucumber

    • Processed Thoughts

    • Eggplant

    • Fibrous Thoughts

    • Garlic

    • Inflammatory vs. Anti-inflammatory thoughts and "Junk" thoughts

    • Green Beans

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    Nourishment Week 4

    • The Joints of your Nourishment Center

    • Nourishment Assessment

    • Kale

    • Rectus Abdominus

    • Rectus Abdominus

    • Rectus Abdominus

    • Leeks

    • External and Internal Oblique

    • External Oblique

    • Internal Oblique

    • Internal and External Oblique

    • Mesclun Greens

    • Quadratus Lumborum

    • QL

    • QL

    • Parsnips

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    Nourishment Week 5

    • Eerector Spinae

    • Everyday Stretch!

    • Spine Series

    • Erector Spinae

    • Peppers

    • Supporting Muscles of the Lumbar Spine

    • Transversus Abs

    • Transversus Abs

    • Portobello Mushrooms

    • What pain in your nourishment center may be telling you

    • Radishes

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    Nourishment Week 6

    • Taste Bud Alignment

    • Taste Bud Homework

    • Romaine Lettuce

    • Physical and Mental Hunger

    • Hunger Homework

    • Rutabaga

    • Journaling your Eating and Thinking

    • Journal Homework

    • Sugar Snap Peas

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    Nourishment Week 7

    • Eating and Thinking your # for the Commuter

    • Spaghetti Squash

    • Eating and Thinking your # for the Decorator

    • Spinach

    • Eating and Thinking your # for the Thinker

    • Summer Squash

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    Nourishment Week 8

    • Nourishment Center Energy Point

    • Swiss Chard

    • Setting Nourishing Goals

    • Nourishing Goals Homework

    • Summing up Nourishment

  • 27

    Base of your Apex Pyramid Intensive

    • Congratulations!

    • Day #1

    • Day #2

    • Day #3

    • Day #4

    • Day #5

    • Day #6

    • Day #7

    • Pulling it All together.

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    • Intro to your Energetic Body

  • 29

    Energy Week 1

    • What is Energy

    • How does breath support your Energetic Body

    • Applying our conscious mind to our breath

    • Conscious Activation of Breath

  • 30

    Energy Week 2

    • Diaphragm

    • Diaphragm Breathing Workout 1

    • Diaphragm Workout 2

    • Diaphragm Workout 3

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    Energy Week 3

    • Intercostals

    • Intercostal Workout 1

    • Intercostal Workout 2

    • Intercostal Workout 3

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    Energy Week 4

    • SCM and Scalene

    • SCM and Scalene Workout 1

    • SCM and Scalene Workout 2

    • SCM and Scalene Workout 3

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    Energy Week 5

    • Expression Point

    • Power Up your Energy

    • Power Up Energy Workout

    • Energy Ball of Influence

    • Energy Ball of Influence Workout

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    Energy Week 6

    • Emotion Energy Builder

    • Emotion Energy Builder Workout

    • Communication Energy Builder

    • Communication Energy Builder Workout

    • Mental Creation Energy Builder

    • Mental Creation Energy Builder Workout

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    Energy Week 7

    • Physical Creation Energy Builder

    • Physical Creation Energy Builder Workout

    • Energy Sealer

    • Energy Sealer Workout

    • Full Energy Workout

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    Energy Week 8

    • Energetic Responsibility

    • Setting Energetic Goals

    • Journaling about energy

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    Energy Week 9

    • Energy Point

    • Energy Point Meditation

    • Sense of Smell

    • Sense of Smell Meditation

    • Summing up Energy

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    Emotion Week 1

    • What is Emotion

    • Committing to your Rhythm

    • Bringing your Consciousness to your Energy Exercise

  • 39

    Emotion Week 2

    • Thoraco-Scapular Joint the Wings of your Being

    • Scapular Elevation Workout

    • Scapular Depression

    • Scapular Depression Workout

    • Scapular Protraction

    • Scapular Protraction Workout

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    Emotion Week 3

    • Scapular Retraction

    • Scapular Retraction Workout

    • Scapular Upward Rotation

    • Scapular Downward Rotation

    • Scapular Upward and Downward Rotation Workout

    • Full Scapular Workout

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    Emotion Week 4

    • The Thoracic Spine and Shoulder Joints

    • Erector Spinae

    • Spine Series

    • Trapezius

    • Trapezius Workout/Stretch

    • Levator Scapulae

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    Emotion Week 5

    • Rhomboid

    • Rhomboids Workout/Stretch

    • Serratus Anterior

    • Serratus Anterior Workout

    • Pectoralis Major

    • Pectoralis Major Workout/Stretch

    • Pectoralis Minor

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    Emotion Week 6

    • Latissimus Dorsi

    • Latissimus Dorsi Workout/Stretch

    • Deltoidius

    • Deltoidius Workout/Stretch

    • Rotator Cuff

    • Rotator Cuff Workout/Stretch

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    Emotion Week 7

    • The joints of Expression

    • Assessing movement in Expression

    • Biceps

    • Biceps Workout/Stretch

    • Triceps

    • Triceps Workout/Stretch

    • Forearm Flexor/Extensor

    • Forearm Flexor/Extensor Workout/Stretch

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    Emotion Week 8

    • Breathing to Neutralize Anxiety

    • Transmute Anxiety

    • Breathing to Neutralize Anger

    • Transmute Anger

    • Breathing to Neutralize Rage

    • Transmute Rage

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    Emotion Week 9

    • Breathing to Neutralize Judgement

    • Transmute Judgment

    • Breathing to Neutralize Manipulation

    • Transmute Manipulation

    • Breathing to Neutralize Sadness

    • Transmute Sadness

    • Breathing to Neutralize Loneliness

    • Transmute Loneliness

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    Emotion Week 10

    • Breathing to Neutralize Bullying and Shame

    • Transmute feeling Bullied or Victimized

    • Breathing to Neutralize Discouragement

    • Transmute Discouragement and Hopelessness

    • Breathing to Neutralize Fear

    • Transmute Fear

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    Emotion Week 11

    • Breathing to Neutralize Frustration

    • Breath to transmute Frustration and Obsession

    • Breathing to Neutralize Insecurity

    • Breath to transmute Insecurity

    • Breathing to Neutralize Jealousy

    • Breath to transmute Jealousy

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    Emotion Week 12

    • Releasing Your Emotional Patterns

    • Creating Emotional Balance

    • Emotion Energy Point (Opening Heart Center)

    • Emotion Energy Point Meditation (Heart Center)

    • Finding Your True Love

    • Summing Up Emotion

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    In Review

    • Hear and See the New YOU!

    • 432 Power Up

    • What is your Motivation?

    • 432 Activity

    • What is your Purpose?

    • 432 Balance

    • What are you in Touch with?

    • 432 Nourishment

    • Are you Nourished?

    • Review Your Physical World

    • 432 Energy

    • Are you Energized?

    • 432 Emotion

    • Are you in Love?